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Date validation

Date validation is performed by a separate plugin JustValidatePluginDate (github) to avoid extending the library size. The plugin uses date-fns for operating with dates.

It is possible to validate for defined format, isAfter, isBefore dates. It works both for text input and for date input.


JustValidatePluginDate takes 1 argument: function which returns a config object:

JustValidatePluginDate((fields) => ({
required: boolean,
format: string,
isBefore: Date | string,
isAfter: Date | string,
isBeforeOrEqual: Date | string,
isAfterOrEqual: Date | string,
isEqual: Date | string,

Please note, the rule doesn't trigger the validation error if the field is empty. If you want to make it required you should also add required rule

Validate for the given format

JustValidatePluginDate takes 1 argument: function which returns a config object:

import JustValidatePluginDate from 'just-validate-plugin-date';

validation.addField('#date', [
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate(() => ({
format: 'dd MMM yyyy',
errorMessage: 'Date should be in dd MMM yyyy format (e.g. 20 Dec 2021)',

Validate for isBefore/isAfter

To be able to validate isBefore/isAfter it's important to define the same format which supposed to use in isBefore/isAfter, otherwise the library will not be able to parse this date string correctly.

import JustValidatePluginDate from 'just-validate-plugin-date';

validation.addField('#date', [
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate(() => ({
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
isBefore: '15/12/2021',
isAfter: '10/12/2021',
errorMessage: 'Date should be between 10/12/2021 and 15/12/2021',

Also, you could perform validation depends on other fields:

import JustValidatePluginDate from 'just-validate-plugin-date';

.addField('#date-start', [
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate(() => ({
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
errorMessage: 'Date should be in dd/MM/yyyy format (e.g. 15/10/2021)',
.addField('#date-between', [
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate(() => ({
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
errorMessage: 'Date should be in dd/MM/yyyy format (e.g. 15/10/2021)',
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate((fields) => ({
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
isAfter: fields['#date-start'].elem.value,
isBefore: fields['#date-end'].elem.value,
errorMessage: 'Date should be between start and end dates',
.addField('#date-between-required', [
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate(() => ({
required: true,
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
errorMessage: 'Date should be in dd/MM/yyyy format (e.g. 15/10/2021)',
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate((fields) => ({
required: true,
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
isAfter: fields['#date-start'].elem.value,
isBefore: fields['#date-end'].elem.value,
errorMessage: 'Date should be between start and end dates',
.addField('#date-end', [
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate(() => ({
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
errorMessage: 'Date should be in dd/MM/yyyy format (e.g. 15/10/2021)',

Using with date input

If you use date input, you don't need to define format field, because it's always in yyyy-mm-dd format, you just should define isBefore/isAfter:

validation.addField('#date-between', [
plugin: JustValidatePluginDate((fields) => ({
isAfter: document.querySelector('#date-start').value,
isBefore: document.querySelector('#date-end').value,
errorMessage: 'Date should be between start and end dates',